Watchman Willie Martin Archive

�������������������������������������������������������������������� Crack Cocaine Addiction

���� Have you ever used more cocaine than you planned?� Crack cocaine is playing a major role in failures and broken promises in the lives of people using it.� Addiction to crack can take away the drive to do anything except more crack.� This addiction is so driven that nothing else seems to matter.� Crack cocaine addiction is destroying judgement, will, and lives; but there is treatment available.

���� CA gives devastating evidence of crack use.� According to the book, some results of crack addiction are: physical pain, close to death experiences from overdose, and death (CA 22).� DHHS shows crack cocaine is threatening to all aspects of life and increases both heart rate and blood pressure.

���� This addiction becomes the total life focus.� According to Allen and Jekel, there is a psychological and social effect from the use of crack (45).� Crack cocaine is a highly addictive drug, once used, it becomes the root of the problems (CA 25).� The powerful obsession to have it, causes actions that are not considered normal.� Cocaine is known to effect the brain activity and social life becomes close to none.� Allen and Jekel give strong evidence on why crack is so addictive (45).

���� Johanson provides, in her book, scientific facts of cocaine effects on the body and life (24).� She states; �There is fatigue, depression, and general lack of motivation that often occur after the initial euphoria of a cocaine dose subsides (Johanson 34).�

���� According to Minkler and Roe, the family is directly effected by cocaine addiction (157).� Lack of communication and abandonment by parents on crack is a huge problem.� The addict and families� lives are forced to demoralization. Children are being born already addicted to crack cocaine.� The care for these children changes lives and gives cause for adjustments.� CA provides living proof of the effects on other people involved or associated (27).� The book refers to loss of friends, loved ones, and family members (CA 27).

���� Although the situation may sound hopeless, there is help available.� According to CA, thousands of crack addicts are living drug free, and own their lives again by following their solutions (37).� CA promotes continuous attendance to 12 step groups (37). Johanson illustrates the successful lives of recovering actors and she supports the idea of treatment (81). Open communication, support groups, and training groups are what Minkler and Roe� find equally important (170).� Allen and Jekel believe treatment is a solution (54).� They provide anyone working with or concerned about the problems of crack addiction with a basic understanding of the destruction caused to a person�s complete life.� DHHS touch many possible solutions from pharmacological treatment to non-pharmacological treatment.

���� All in all, there are many possible or working solutions available today.� There appears to be a sign of hope through the choices of so many solutions.� The actions remains upon� the individual to make.� Although crack is still killing at this time, people can start to live with proper treatment.

�������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Works Cited

���� Allen, David and James Jekel.� Crack: The Broken Promise.� New York: St. Martin�s,������������ 1991.� 7+.

���� Cocaine Anonymous.� Were Here and Were Free. Los Angeles: World Wide Web, 1992.����������� 23-28.

���� Johanson Ellyn Chris, PH.D.� Cocaine: The New Epidemic.� New York: Chelsea House,����������� 1986.� 19+.

���� Minkler, Meredith, and Kathleen Roe.� Grandmothers as care givers: Rasing Children of �����������the Crack Cocaine Epidemic.� Newbury Park: Sage, 1993.� 157-177.

���� United States.� Department of Health and Human Services.� Drug Abuse and Drug Abuse �����������and Drug Abuse Research.� Rockville: DHSS, 1991.� 111-130.

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